Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of modeling the content of the chemical training of medical doctors is not new, but it is still urgent. Currently, having the properties of scale, fundamentality, interdisciplinarity, focus on the practice of learning, it is becoming one of the key problems of modern chemical education. The study of the problem of modeling the content of higher education is not so much in the plane of subject didactics as it has reached the state level. So, at the State Council Meeting [14] the task was set to “develop a set of measures aimed at systematically updating the content of education taking into account modern achievements of science and technology, changing students’ needs and society, focusing on the application of knowledge and skills in real life situations”. Our pedagogical experience shows that it is advisable to build promising models for the content of the chemical training of future doctors on the basis of the competence-based approach, guided by the principles of fundamentality, integrativeness, professional orientation, and rational minimization. Knowledge “sewn up” in context is necessary for students to understand the chemical nature of the processes occurring in the human body; close connection of chemistry with medicine, ecology; contribute to the formation of universal, professional, and in some cases professional competencies.

higher chemical education, training content modeling, competence-based approach, professional training of a medical specialist, biochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, context, algorithms, technologies

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