Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Background. The annual growth of patients ' claims to dentists dictates the need to develop new methods of evaluation and quality standards of care. Often, patients are not happy with the timing of the use of dentures, which is associated with unjustified expectations that have not been adjusted by the attending physician. Relevance. Study of changes in quality of life parameters in a certain group of patients. Objectives. The standard clinical and paraclinical methods and psychodiagnostic analysis in the form of a questionnaire of quality of life were used as research methods. The data of sixty patients who needed repeated prosthetics for various reasons are presented as the material of the study. Results. The correlation of certain parameters of quality of life from the type of prosthesis is determined. So it is proved that patients with removable prostheses physical and emotional state suffers more than patients with fixed prostheses. The presence of depressive States and anxiety experiences is more pronounced in patients with removable dentures. It was determined that in the case of removable prostheses, the period of wearing is directly correlated with changes in the quality of life. At the same time, the quality of life of patients with fixed prostheses, on the contrary, changes minimally until the "critical" moment, when there is an urgent need to remove the denture. The average terms of prosthesis use in months are calculated. Conclusion. The obtained data can be used in research on dentistry and psychology; at the clinical reception by dentists – orthopedists at the initial consultation of the patient about prosthetics of teeth and dentition. The published material is part of the work on the prospective development of a method for predicting the term and long-term results of dental orthopedic treatment.

evaluation of treatment, quality of life, prediction of results of dental treatment, psychodiagnostics in dentistry, personal characteristics of patients, emotional state of patients with dentures, terms of use of dentures

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