Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Russian Federation
Background. The study of the area of the crown part of the tooth, especially its occlusal surface, as well as the degree of differentiation and reduction are of great importance when conducting reconstructive therapy, but unfortunately, these studies caused technical difficulties for researchers, it was not possible to mathematically determine the specifics of the surface and calculate it. In this study, we performed a morphometric study of tooth areas using modern methods of computer diagnostics and recording the data on electronic media. Objectives ― measuring the area of the occlusal surface of intact molars and human premolars with varying degrees of differentiation using modern scanning capabilities of complex surfaces. Methods. The object of the study was 200 teeth of intact teeth of individuals of the Caucasian race, aged 18 to 30 years (50 molars of the upper jaw, 50 molars of the upper jaw, 50 molars of the lower jaw, 50 molars of the lower jaw ), removed according to orthodontic and surgical (fracture of the jaw) indications. A morphometric study of tooth areas was carried out using modern methods of computer diagnostics, the Avantis 3D program and recording the data on electronic media. Results. Using modern methods of scanning human teeth, information has been obtained on the area of the occlusal surface of molars and premolars. Knowledge of the anatomical and topographic features of teeth, taking into account their individual microarchitectonics, is of great importance when conducting reconstructive therapy. Conclusions. The ability to restore the occlusal surface of the teeth with a different degree of differentiation will allow dentists to improve the technology of restoration of tooth crowns based on the principles of biomimetics, taking into account the morphofunctional features of the human dentition.
harmony, biomimetics, tooth anatomy, occlusal surface area measurements, modeling, composite materials
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