A problem of future subject teachers training in conditions of Federal State Educational Standards introduction for various steps of an education system in Russia has been considered in this paper. For teacher’s ICT competence development a training program has been offered and a course «ICT Technical Means in Subject Teacher’s Professional Activity» has been developed. The course consists of two modules: «ICT Technical Means and Their Pedagogical Opportunities» and «Network Technologies and Their Application in Educational Process». An electronic educational and methodical complex which structure is presented in this paper, being educational and methodical maintenance of this course, has been developed for training process efficiency increase. Preparation results indicators, control’s forms and methods, allowing to define a level of trainees’ knowledge and abilities have been offered for the purpose of control and assessment related to training course materials’ assimilation extent on two substantial modules. It has been shown that the developed course’s educational and methodical providing allows to optimize the future subject teachers’ training process in higher education institution and also in system of professional development and professional retraining of pedagogical workers for the purpose of their professional competence formation in the area of ICT technical means use in educational process.
education modernization, subject teacher’s ICT competence, information and communication technologies’ means, electronic educational and methodical complex, network technologies
В условиях модернизации всех уровней и ступеней системы образования в России, обусловленной введением ФГОС и интенсивным развитием и внедрением в образовательный процесс информационных и телекоммуникационных технологий актуальной становится проблема подготовки будущих учителей-предметников, по-новому реализующих свою профессиональную деятельность.
Важным направлением модернизации образования является внедрение компетентностного подхода, который способствует развитию ИКТ-
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