Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
We have used radio occultation measurements of the satellite CHAMP (Challenging Minisatellite Payload) to examine sporadic E layers (altitudes 90–130 km) in Earth’s high-latitude ionosphere. We have developed a new method for determining characteristics of internal atmospheric waves based on the use of inclined sporadic E layers of Earth’s ionosphere as a detector. The method relies on the fact that an internal wave propagating through the initially horizontal sporadic E layer causes the plasma density gradient to rotate in the direction of the wave vector, which leads to the fact that the layer ionization plane is set parallel to the phase wave front. The developed method enables us to study the interrelations between small-scale internal waves and sporadic E layers in Earth’s ionosphere and significantly expands the capabilities of traditional radio occultation monitoring of the atmosphere. We have found that the internal atmospheric waves under study have periods from 35 to 46 min and vertical phase speeds from 1.2 to 2.0 m/s, which are in good agreement with the results of independent experiments and simulation data on sporadic E layers at a height of ~100 km in Earth’s polar cap.

radio occultation measurements, Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere, inclined sporadic E layers, internal atmospheric waves
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