Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article discusses the current state, operating conditions and forecasts for the development of the Russian labour market after the election of the President of the Russian Federation in 2018. It was revealed that at the end of the elections, the organizations resumed the necessary recruitment of personnel for key positions, without which the full-fl edged business development would be impossible. It is noted that applicants have ceased to pay much attention to the “white” design for work under the Labour Code. There was a process of reducing the increased demand for blockchain projects and blockchain specialists. Regarding wages, it was revealed that employers increased and indexed the wages of their employees, especially this trend can be traced in large cities of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the results of the reforms of the Government of the Russian Federation have led to an increase in the prestige of working professions and specialties. Trends in the development of the labor market in 2019, as well as over the next 5-10 years, are considered.
resuming the recruitment of personnel for key positions, salary indexation, priority areas of personnel policy, the prestige of working professions, social and communication skills, copywriting of vacancies
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