Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the currently relevant topic of involvement in activities, but not the organization’s personnel, but future HR-managers in their learning process. The article presents various theoretical approaches to the defi nition of the concept of «involvement», «involvement of students», «student engagement», and also analyzes the factors infl uencing the degree of involvement of students in the learning process. A brief review of the literature on the study of the problem of involvement is given, the purpose of which is to form a general idea of the relevance and diffi culties in assessing involvement. The author off ers the experience of assessing the level of involvement of future specialists in the fi eld of personnel management in the process of their study at the university as an important factor in their successful development in a future profession. The author presents the results of a comparative analysis of changes in the level of involvement of students in the situation of using diff erent teaching methods in different years of study. The article focuses on the problem of the formation of professional competence of future HR-managers in the process of their training, and the connection of training success with involvement as a factor of motivation and increased interest in future professional activities. The article has a practical orientation, since studying the involvement of students in training will make it possible to adjust both the content and methods of training future HR managers taking into account not only the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, the professional standard of a personnel management specialist, the requirements of employers, but also the needs of the students themselves.

student involvement, professional competence, level of involvement, interactive teaching methods

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