Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses trends in the strategic development of telecommunication companies in Russia. The factors of the strategies formation of the largest market players that determine the main directions of their investment activity are highlighted. Following the analysis of the five largest players in the telecommunications market, nine areas of digital transformation were identified: Internet of Things, OTT Applications, Cloud Technologies, Financial Technologies, Electronic Commerce and Big Data. The analysis of the implementation of investment projects of Russian telecommunications companies in the framework of their strategic development was carried out. It was identified trends in the transition of companies to the level of competition of digital platforms and ecosystems. A forecast has been made regarding the segmentation of the future digital market in Russia. The prospects for the development and significance of the development of 5G networks in Russia are named.

telecommunication companies, strategic development, investment, innovation, investment projects, digital transformation, MegaFon, VimpelCom, MTS, Rostelecom, Tele2, 5G

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