Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The considerable prevalence of dental diseases in the patients with hemophilia is due to the absence of prevention and the proper care of the oral cavity, as well as regular medical examination. This category of patients reluctantly turns to the dentists for fear of bleeding, and the doctors for the same reason, avoid interventions in the mouth. Dental aspects of hemophilia are relevant problem of modern medicine due to the high intensity of organs and tissues of the oral cavity, a real risk of complications during dental procedures of therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic profiles. Epidemiological studies on lesions of the oral cavity in the patients with hereditary coagulative pathologies show a high prevalence of various dental disease, poor hygienic condition of the mouth, which entails a considerable need for dental treatment and prevention activities. To ensure timely quality dental care, control over the hygienic condition of oral cavity it is necessary to conduct regular examination of the state of the oral cavity in the patients with hemophilia. Dentists refuse to the patients in need of assistance because of fear of bleeding and the risk of infection with hepatitis and HIV infection. The high level of dental diseases at hemophilia may be due to the poor hygienic condition of the mouth, change of physicochemical properties of saliva and local immunity. Most patients with hemophilia brush their teeth not regularly and unsatisfactory. A vast number of microorganisms contained in this RAID, low local immunity can cause various diseases of the oral cavity. In this group of patients it is more important to prevent the development of dental disease than to treat them, for fear of complications.

hemophiliacs, dental diseases, oral hygiene, dental awareness

Цель исследования – оценить уровень стоматологической просвещенности и гигиены полости рта у больных гемофилией.

Материалы и методы исследования. Изучение уровня знаний и навыков, больных по уходу за полостью рта и их практическому применению проводилось посредством социологического опроса обследуемых. Полученные данные заносились в разработанную нами анкету. Опросу были подвергнуты 110 больных гемофилией старше шести лет. Средний возраст больных составил: (среднее+стандартная ошибка) – 26,8+1,3 года. Диагноз гемофилия А был у 101 (91,8%) больного, гемофилия В у 9 (8,2%) больных. По степени тяжести больные распределялись следующим образом: с легкой формой заболевания – 15,5%, со сред-ней формой – 30,0% и с тяжелой формой – 54,6%. 



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