Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the features of the process of perpetuating the memory of the canonized in the last quarter of the century Holy ascetics, new martyrs and Confessors. The glorifi cation of almost two thousand saints demanded from the Church and the laity a lot of work related to the disclosure of the meaningfulness of the feats, the study of archival materials and printed sources. The fi rst step on the path of memorialization were painted icons and lives. Hagiographic work of researchers contributed to the writing of monographic research, articles, artistic and artistic-journalistic works, publication of collections of documents, memoirs, epistolary and other materials. The article states that at the present stage of development of society the Russian Orthodox Church continues to preserve and increase the ancient traditions associated with the glorifi cation of the spiritual feat of our people. This is expressed primarily in the construction of churches and chapels dedicated to those saints who remained faithful to Christ and his Church in the terrible years of persecution. The tradition of the installation of monuments and sculptural compositions to the ascetics of piety, which was established in Russia only in the XVIII century, is also actively developing. The awards established by the Church play an important role in revealing the signifi cance of the feat of the new martyrs. The article emphasized that the special role play memorial museums and memorial exhibitions in the composition of the regional, historical and art-historical museums. The article gives examples of complex work on perpetuating the memory of the new martyrs and Confessors of Russia — Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, Hieromartyr Constantine Bogorodsky and holy hierarch Agafangel, abuna Yaroslavsky and Rostovsky.

Cathedral of new martyrs and Confessors, Museum and exhibition space, memorial museum, iconography, episcopal council, historical and cultural heritage, the memorialization

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