Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Background. In this article, we studied the frequency of combination of oral lichen planus with somatic pathology. The analysis of the survey, testing of individuals with oral lichen planus, laboratory blood counts; personalized advisory opinions of the local therapists. The influence of local adverse factors was studied by analyzing the indicators of galvanic current and the oral hygiene index. Objectives ― to study the frequency of combination of lichen planus with somatic pathology, the level of psycho-emotional status of patients, the role of local adverse factors in the oral cavity. Methods. There were analyzed two groups of patients in the age of 24―65 years. The main group (numbered in 22 people), included patients with oral lichen planus and control group (numbered in 15 people) combined people without pathology of the oral mucosa. The main group was divided into two subgroups I (numbered in 11 people), combined patients with a typical form of oral lichen planus and subgroup II (numbered in 11 people) included patients with an erosive-ulcerative form of oral lichen planus. Clinical and laboratory examinations were conducted by a local therapist to identify somatic pathology. Filled in the “health questionnaire” and tested by the method of Zung. Determined the concentration of glucose in blood; blood pressure indicators; the level of hygiene and galvanic current. Results. Questioning showed that patients with oral lichen planus have somatic pathology. Testing according to Zung's method revealed psycho-emotional disorders. Clinical and laboratory examination by a therapist revealed 100 % somatic pathology, concentration of glucose in blood and blood pressure in most individuals exceeded WHO standards. Analysis of the hygiene index showed a low level of oral hygiene; analysis of galvanometry revealed the presence of galvanic current in the oral cavity. Conclusions. Among all patients with oral lichen planus somatic pathology was detected in 100 % of cases. Lichen planus proceeds against the background of psycho-emotional disorders. Local unfavorable factors of the oral cavity (low level of hygiene and galvanic current) aggravate the course of lichen planus, slow down the regeneration.

oral lichen planus, erosion of the oral mucosa, somatic pathology, diabetes, psycho-emotional status, level of hygiene

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