Russian Information, Analytical and Scientific Research Water Center,
Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation
The research seeks to substantiate the possibility of modernization reforms in the domestic industry on the basis of competitive cooperation within a cluster. The author identifies some factors and conditions that increase the effectiveness of these interactions. The processes of competitive cooperation are considered from the position of J. F. Moore, who saw competition as a special form of interaction between companies, through which they can coordinate their activities. The research revealed that cluster structures based on the network principles of interaction contribute to the formation of relations of competitive cooperation and manifestation of synergetic and multiplicative effects in the national economy. The study also introduces factors and conditions that ensure the development of cluster structures in the region. The limiting factors include a low level of competitiveness of domestic industrial products and the lack of development of environmental subsystem of modernization development of the region, as well as the asymmetry of intraregional development. The author associates the prospects for the formation of clusters with a balanced development of their object, environment, and design-process subsystem.
cluster, region, network interaction, effects, spatial development, information flows
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