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Abstract (English):
Stylistic devices and tropes are the elements of style that give an extra, figurative meaning to a written or oral text. They include metaphors, simile, allegory, paradox, word game and so on. Each author uses them in different ways to make their works more expressive and emotionally dense. Sometimes stylistic devices and tropes can manifest themselves as the characteristics of an author’s individual style. Metaphoric language and bizarre manner of representation are particularly common for the authors of the postmodern era. When it comes to translation of these works from one language to another the process is fraught with pitfalls and challenges for the translator. In the translation studies it’s believed that literary translation requires not only precise rendition of the contents but also conveyance of the stylistic features of a work. This article is dedicated to the analysis of the stylistic devices and tropes used in the novel “Everything Is Illuminated” by Jonathan Safran Foer and their translation from English into Russian. The aim of this work is to identify what kind of translation techniques are used by the translator V. A. Arkanov to render the linguistic and stylistic properties of the original text.

translation, literature, tropes, stylistic devices, translation shifts

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