Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Geometric simulation and its software for estimating the efficiency of deployment of solar panels on spacecraft and solar concentrators on the ground are considered in this work. Both the physical and mathematical set up of the problem for estimating the energy efficiency of solar panels, taking into account their shading both by each other and by other elements of a space station has been described in this paper. It has been shown that the known methods for mechanization and automation of such calculations are focused on objects of relatively simple geometric shapes (such as buildings), and are inefficient for objects of complex and diverse geometric shape, characteristic both for spacecraft themselves and their solar panels. Therefore, to solve this problem, a receptor (voxel) geometric model digitizing the computational space has been chosen. The receptor model’s uniqueness is that comparing the values of receptor codes allows easy determine the intersection of objects. Has been described a developed receptor geometric model for estimating the effective area of solar panels, taking into account their shading when the object (for example, a spacecraft) is illuminated by a flow of solar energy from a given direction. The essential difference between the developed receptor geometric model and the classical one is that the former is multiform, i.e. uses not the 2-digit code (0 and 1), but the 4-digit one (0, 1, 2 and 3). Has been demonstrated a software implementation of the described geometric model in C#, and a graphical shell developed for this problem, allowing see the obtained results’ numerical values. Have been provided examples of its implementation in solving of practical problems. The results of verification for the described receptor geometric model have been demonstrated. All this allows speak about efficiency of using receptor geometric models both in singular computation calculations and for creating the appropriate algorithmic, mathematical support and software for the corresponding CAD systems.

geometric models, solar energy, spacecraft, solar panels, effective area, receptor geometric models, graphical shell.

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