Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
UDK 66 Химическая технология. Химическая промышленность. Родственные отрасли
UDK 60 Прикладные науки. Общие вопросы
The assessment of synthetic flocculant influence of anionic action on the quantitative content of the substances which are a part of drinks turbidity is given. Mathematical processing of research results received at carrying out experiment in a final beer fermentation process is carried out. The mathematical model allowing to calculate required flocculant quantity for receiving desirable amount of high-molecular fraction of proteins, polyphenolic substances and yeast cells is received. The results of the received model aprobation within carrying out a final beer fermentation process are presented.
Drinks fermentation, modeling of the process of clarification, auxiliaries, flocculants
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