UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The issue of implementation of psychological and pedagogical program of English literature studying at FPS Academy of Russia is considered. The goal of current program is educating such spiritual and moral qualities as patriotism, responsibility, self-development, conscience, respect to elder generations, tolerance, humanity etc. The abstracts from compositions of military school students are given. For instance, the way reading some English books influenced students` opinion. It has been highlighted that spirituality is the mail aspect of person`s moral forming. Foreign literature solves the problems of moral responsibility, shows the inner world and emotions, transmits life experience to the next generations. The moral issues touched in the English masterpieces are urgent nowadays too. The results of research can be used at the lessons of foreign language at the universities.
psychology, pedagogic, spirituality, moral, literature, moral problems, the English language, patriotism, responsibility, education
1. Aipova M. M. Inostrannyy yazyk kak odin iz istochnikov formirovaniya duhovnosti kursantov i studentov (teoreticheskiy podhod) // Prikladnaya yuridicheskaya psihologiya. 2016. № 3. S. 66-72
2. Kupcov I. I., Aksenova G. I., Aipova M. M. Psihologiya kak resurs vospitaniya patriotizma kursantov i studentov // Prikladnaya yuridicheskaya psihologiya. 2016. № 1. S. 21-29
3. Lihachev D. S. Pis'ma o dobrom. SPb. : Azbuka : Azbuka-Attikus, 2015. 158 s