UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article deals with the structure and content of the risks of the personnel management system of institutions and bodies FPS of Russia.The author connects this group of personnel risks with a probability of loss and unsustainable use of personnel potential of the penal system, arising as a result of inefficient management of the organization and personnel work.A brief analysis of the approaches to the content of the risks of the personnel management system and concludes that their emergence is equally due to organizational objective and subjective factors.The classification of the risk the personnel management system of institutions and bodies FPS of Russia, which included six blocks allocated:risks of personnel policy arising from ineffective or irrelevant personnel strategy, implemented personnel management system by institutions and bodies of the FPS of Russia;the legal and regulatory risks associated with imperfection and incompleteness of the regulatory activity of the personnel management system FPS of Russia and of service employees of the penitentiary system;the organizational and structural risks associated with inefficient organizational and structural construction of the personnel management system of institutions and bodies FPS Russia;the subjects of the risks of personnel management system, arising from the professional and personal incompe- tence of the employees of this system; the risks of the organizational culture associated with the «blurring» of the system goals, values, rules and norms of behavior in the office teams;organization of service risks associated with inefficient use of human technology and certain personnel procedures that constitute the process of service employees of the penal system.Risk management of a personnel management system for the purpose of their minimization first of all is connected with increase in efficiency implementation of personnel technologies. Diagnostics of risks preceding development of programs of minimization shall be performed according to the modern concept of organizational and personnel audit and include assessment of adequacy of organizational and regular structure and an efficiency evaluation of work with the staff.
penitentiary system, work with the staff, penitentiary system staff, staff potential, personnel risks
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