Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern historical and legal literature there is no unity of opinion in determining the main stages, the normative bases, and the essence of the party-state policy in the development of the institution of the advocacy during the Soviet period. The current research features the main trends in the formation and development of the Soviet Bar associations in 1917–1922, their place and role in the Soviet justice system. The author analyzed the Russian legislation on court organization, the principal features of bar associations, and their activities. The research was based on the sociocultural approach and the methodology of systemic analysis, as well as the dynamics of the institutional foundations of the legal profession during the formation of the Soviet political regime. The analysis also included the personnel composition, organizational structure, and practical activity of the Bar association. The materials and conclusions can be used for further historical and legal studies of the Soviet justice system.

the Soviet state, institutional foundations, justice, the judicial system, lawyer associations, colleges of pseudo-advocates
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