Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The method of digital difference filters is applied to the data analysis of SATI observations of hydroxyl nightglow intensity and rotational temperature at altitudes 85–90 km over Almaty (43°03' N, 76°58' E), Kazakhstan, in 2010–2017. We examine seasonal and interannual variations in monthly average values and standard deviations of variations with periods 0.4–5.4 hrs, which may be associated with internal gravity waves in the mesopause region. The monthly average temperature near the mesopause has a maximum in winter and a minimum in June. The monthly average intensity has an additional maximum in June. Standard deviation of mesoscale rotational temperature variations and characteristics of internal gravity waves are maximum in spring and autumn. The spring maximum of mesoscale OH emission intensity variations is shifted to June. Interannual variations and multi-year trends of OH rotational temperature and emission intensity may differ in detail. This may be connected with seasonal and long-term variations in the complex system of the photochemical processes, which produce the OH nightglow.

upper atmosphere, nightglows, hydroxyl, intensity, rotational temperature, climatology, seasonal variations, trends, mesoscale variability, internal gravity waves
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