Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article presents the effectiveness study results of the foam «Oral Care Foam 2 in 1» with the aim of moisturizing the mucous tunic of the mouth and preventing oral diseases for patients with xerostomia caused by medication taking. The clinical trial was conducted at the premises of the Dental Therapy Department of the Ural State Medical University. There was analyzed thedata on 60 patients having the signs of a dry mouth, having bacterial test provenoral moniliosis. On the basis of the study ndings one can conclude that usingthe foam «Oral Care Foam 2 in 1» regularly improves the quality of oral hygiene care, slows down the process of dental plaque formation and growth in patients with xerostomia caused by medication taking; causes no irritation and can be used for moisturizing purposes.
cleaning foam «Oral Care Foam 2 in 1» (Splat), xerostomia, buccal epithelial cells, in ammatory-destructive index, quality of life