Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Have been considered methods for production enterprise’s resource and energy conservation level assessment, as well as the production enterprise’s negative impact on the environment. Assessment methods’ disadvantages have been revealed, ways for theirs enhancement have been proposed. A possibility for use of material balance equations for efficiency assessment of systems for pollutions emissions and emptying reducing, and waste handling with regard to utilization level of raw materials, substances and energy. A possibility for practical application of the proposed method for assessment of environmental technologies has been shown with specific calculation reference.
best available technologies, material balance, efficiency, resources, emissions, emptying, waste, treatment, adsorption.
1. Введение
В соответствии с законом РФ ФЗ‑219 от 24.07. 2014 г. для производств, оказывающих негативное воздействие на окружающую среду (ОС), необходимо внедрять наилучшие доступные технологии (НДТ).
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4. Vremennye metodicheskie ukazanija po ocenke bezothodnosti himicheskih proizvodstv. VSN — 69–87 [Provisional methodical instructions for the evaluation of chemicalwaste production. BCH — 69–87]. Moscow, Minhimprom Publ., 1987. 51 p. (in Russian)
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