Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the content of the work on the formation of universal cognitive actions for younger schoolchildren in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, including analysis, comparison, explanation, and the development of speech skills necessary for creating text-discourse. Different types and genres of texts are characterized and their structure is described. On specific examples, methodological methods and forms of organization of the process of teaching children of primary school age to the compilation of texts-discourse are considered.

younger schoolchildren; implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education; the formation of universal cognitive actions; reasoning; explanation; evidence; speech skills; methods and methods of teaching; types of texts; schemes-models of texts-discourse.

Чтение (слушание) двух текстов-рассуждений. Учитель предлагает детям два текста для анализа:
• в первом из них отсутствуют аргументы (примеры, доводы, факты) в рассуждении-доказательстве;
• во втором – имеются аргументы (примеры, доводы, факты), которые делают рассуждение-доказательство более убедительным.


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