Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voenno-uchebnogo nauchnogo centra Voenno-vozdushnyh sil Voenno-vozdushnoy akademii imeni professora N.E. Zhukovskogo i Yu.A. Gagarina
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
A model for managing the system "road conditions - traffic flows" is proposed that allows to ensure the functioning of the complex "driver - car - road - environment" in any weather and climate conditions. The analysis of the proposed model and target functional shows that optimization of the "road conditions - traffic flow" system can proceed in many directions, the main of which are: optimal development and placement of the network of forest roads, improving their technical level and level of maintenance, road engineering equipment , efficient traffic management, excluding the rational distribution of forest traffic on the network of forest roads and the management modes on individual logging roads and sections of forest roads. The developed model makes it possible to carry out a theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the interaction between «driver-car-road-environment" system in order to identify the reserves of increasing efficiency of its operation and purposeful management of this process. Transport-operational characteristics of logging roads are the main factors that shape the conditions of timber transport on the road, mode, convenience and safety of traffic and determine the efficiency of road transport, and connections of many characteristics of roads with the traffic modes have deterministic, corrective character. These patterns are the basis for the development of technical requirements for logging roads. The proposed model for integrated creation and management of the functioning of a forest road may already be implemented. However, the design of roads is expedient to provide complex control engineering and organizational measures to ensure the estimated traffic conditions during the whole period of operation of the road, regardless of the time of year and weather and climate conditions. Evaluation of the effectiveness of taken decisions should be made with mandatory consideration for ensuring the required performance of logging road in adverse periods of the year and in difficult weather conditions
logging road, model, operation, road conditions, traffic flows, vehicle
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