Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In recent years cultural and public spaces developing in Russia are involved in the formation of a comfortable environment for the city residents and attracting new tourist flows. The role of the capital of XXIX World Winter Universiade complicates the task of providing attractiveness of Krasnoyarsk for potential tourists. This requires creation of an attractive tourist offer and the identifica- tion of tourism potential for existing cultural organizations and other leisure facilities. Cultural space Kamenka founded in 2013 recently has gained popularity among the population of Krasnoyarsk and other districts of the Krasnoyarsk Krai and Siberian Federal District as a leisure attraction. In this regard, it has the prospects of transformation into a tourist destination. Accordingly, the study of the perspective of the Kamenka’s transformation into a tourist destination is of great practical importance, and it can also help to find a methodological tool for developing marketing strategies that ensure the success of this process. The authors reveal the segment of the Kamenka target market, presented by the potential tourists of the regional tourist services markets, and identify the specificity of the tourist potential of the commodity offer and the reasonably local centered scenario of Kamenka development as a tourist destination. Cultural and educational spaces of Russia and the cultural space Kamenka as innovative destinations use modern promotion technologies based on Internet technologies, effectiveness of which has been evaluated according to the D. Khaldilov's methodology of the social networks effectiveness assessing, adapted to cultural spaces. On this basis the authors give the proposals to improve social networks, which can ensure Kamenka’s successful transformation into the tourist destination, helping the city of Krasnoyarsk to become attractive for tourists, not only while holding the Universiade, but also after it. The authors are grateful to the team of the Cultural space of Kamenka, especially to Anna S. Ivanova and Alina A. Tokmakova for their support in the research.

Cultural space of Kamenka, transformation of leisure destination into tourist one, tools for promoting services of cultural and public spaces, assessing the effectiveness of promotion tools
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