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Abstract (English):
The article provides an overview of the historical development of the city Sarapul. This second largest city of the Udmurt Republic has significant tourism potential, which is based on rich historical and cultural heritage. History of Sarapul, according to the available data, is rooted in the XVI century. In the second half of the XVIII century the city became a district center in the Vyatka province. Administrative status and favorable geographical position of Sarapul on the banks of navigable Kama caused a rapid transformation of the city in the commercial and industrial center of Middle Kama region, the capital of his social and spiritual life. Merchant was the most significant social stratum in the city. The most prominent representatives of merchants – P.A. Bashenin, G.D. Peshekhonov et al. – made famous city in the whole country. Merchant house, churches, industrial buildings, public institutions buildings that was often built on donations of the merchants made a unique architectural appearance of Sarapul, took shape in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The unique historical heritage of the city has preserved until today. The list of historical and cultural monuments located in the territory of the city, includes more than 200 objects. The city is the birthplace of famous people, including hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 N. A. Durova. Sarapul listed as "Historic cities of Russia". The city be- came the basis for the investment project "Tourism and recreation cluster "Kamskiy Bereg", supported by the Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation. Given the existing tourist potential, convenient location on the route of cruise ships, the activities of the Museum of History and Culture of Middle Kama region for the organization of tourist activities, the measures undertaken in the framework of the development of the tourism cluster, there is every reason to believe that Sarapul will become an attractive tourist center not only in Udmurtia, but the entire Volga region.

Sarapul, history, objects of historical and cultural heritage, tourism, tourist-recreational cluster "Kamskiy Bereg"
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