Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main material for the construction of the coatings of the winter forest roads is snow. The creation of this snow and ice durable material of the structural layers of pavement associated with a number of features. The main parameter that will define the structural strength of the pavement to be the hardness of the snow. In the operation of the winter timber-carrying roads this option almost never defined. We have conducted studies on the formation of a layer of compacted coating on the roadway depending on the amount of precipitation. The evaluation of the degree of influence of the density of falling snow on the magnitude of the compacted layer. When studying the degree of influence of precipitation was analyzed climatic conditions that operated hauling winter roads. It has been shown that the density of snow in the compacted layer affects the intensity of movement of trains, composition of traffic flow, the humidity of the snow and air and snow temperature. The density of the layer of the same influences and the evaporation of snow. Based on the experimental data were obtained the coefficients of evaporation of snow for the entire winter for the conditions of the Ural region. Based on these data, the calculated values of the possible maximum thickness of compacted layer at various speeds of movement of logging trucks and the different density of freshly fallen snow. The dependencies of the density layer of snow monthly. Found that to find the value of the thickness of the compacted layer to the end of the winter period, it is necessary to take into account the wear and evaporation of snow in the next months. This was carried out to estimate the depth gauge on a Packed snow surface. The recommended values for the maximum depth gauge on the surface for various road-climatic sub-zones. Set values of a compacted snow layer on the roadway by the end of the winter period for winter timber transportation trunk roads for winter logging winter logging mustache and branches.

winter covers logging roads, snow, compacted snow, vehicle operating condition
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Зимнее содержание лесовозных дорог представляет собой комплекс работ, обеспечивающих непрерывное поддержание технического и эксплуа-тационного состояния дорожной сети на уровне нормативных требований в соответствии с требо-ваниями ГОСТ Р 50597-93.
К основным транспортно-эксплуатационным показателям (ТЭП) зимних лесовозных автомобильных дорог, работающих с сохранением уплотненного слоя снега, можно отнести: толщину уплотненного снежного покрова, плотность слоя, глубину колеи, ровность слоя, коэффициент сцепления лесовозных автомобилей с поверхностью покрытия, а также уровень эксплуатационного состояния [2, 3]. Однако, учитывая специфические особенности их эксплуатации в многолесных регионах, возникла необходимость в уточнении значений некоторых показателей [7].


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