Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the identification and study of the peculiarities of the structure, condition and growth of Scots pine plantations, created in the spring of 2007 on logging place. On test plots in cultures which are 6 and 9 years old, variability in the diameter of plant trunks at the soil surface (D0,0 m) and at the height of 1,3 m (D1,.3 m) has been studied. The character of their distribution along 1-centimeter steps of thickness was established. The variation of current plant growths in height according to the calendar years (2008-2016) was studied during their free growth a Artificial reforestation is one of the methods of sustainable reproduction of forests widely used in the forest districts of the European part of the Russian Federation. In order to assess growth and quality of close canopy pine forest cultures, to identify the features of their structure along the diameter, and to study the variation in annual increments in height in 6- and 9-year-old forest stands, trial plots were laid by the standard method. Statistical processing of data on the continuous counting of pine plants is made. It is established that the distribution curves of trees in 1-centimeter steps of thickness have a single-vertex character, similar to the "normal" distribution. For objective silvicultural and inventory characteristics of close canopy forest stands and their transfer to lands occupied by forest plantations, and also in order to reduce labor costs during their inspection and forest inventory operations, it is quite sufficient to measure diameters at the altitude of 1.3 m and a height of 5-7 medium-sized pine plants and calculate their respective arithmetic mean values. The revealed dependence between the diameter of plants at an altitude of 1.3 m and their diameter at the soil surface in close canopy forest stands can be used in calculating damage according to stumps, illegally felled young pine trees for New Year Holidays.

Scots pine close canopy, structure, sanitary condition, variability of diameters and height increments
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Искусственное лесовосстановление является одним из широко применяемых в лесничествах лесостепной и степной лесорастительных зон европейской части Российской Федерации способов устойчивого воспроизводства лесов. Однако его качество и эффективность по разным причинам часто не соответствуют «Основам государственной политики в области использования, охраны, защиты и воспроизводства лесов Российской Федерации на период до 2030 года» [1] и другим нормативным документам [2-4].


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