Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Different aspects of modern education are considered in the article. The subject of the analysis are the processes of changing the Russian higher education system associated with Russia’s accession to the Bologna Declaration, which, in particular, led to the emergence of new requirements for university teachers. Against the background of active processes of integration with foreign-language education systems, the discrepancy of many Russian teachers with the new conditions of the educational process becomes obvious: ignorance of foreign languages (English, first of all), lagging behind the informatization of education, mismatch with the principles of humanization and humanitarization of the learning process, differentiation of education. The article raises the question of the need to increase the psychological, pedagogical, computer and economic literacy of university professors. Authoritative opinions of Russian and foreign experts on the prospects of the educational sphere are given. Attention is drawn to the need to follow the best traditions of domestic education, based on the unity of education and upbringing. The article talks about the important role of studying the native language and literature both in the school and in the university course of study. The urgency of the outstripping nature of education is emphasized, which, in the opinion of the authors of the article, is an important factor in the country’s forward movement.

modern educational environment, development of higher education, new requirements for university teachers, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of teaching and learning, computer literacy, continuation of domestic educational traditions, outrunning education.

В последние годы вопросы, связанные с образованием, привлекают все больше внимания не только специалистов в области обучения. По словам Т.В. Кортавы, «в современном мире образование рассматривается как фактор спасения нации» [13, c. 95].


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