Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article considers the actual in the modern context questions of the formation of primary financial literacy by younger schoolchildren: ideas about the financial possibilities and expenses of the family, the ability to properly manage money. The history of the origin of the words “money”, “coin”, “dime”, “kopeck”, “numismatics”, “obverse”, “reverse”, “gurt”, the appearance of money in Russia and images on Russian coins. Practical assignments are offered, in which schoolchildren learn to determine the obverse and reverse of coins, understand the purpose of the coin’s edge and the functions of the mint.
financial literacy; types of money; coins; names of coin parts; the denomination of the coin; mint; numismatics; cost price; numismatic cost.
Сегодня решение задачи финансовой грамотности младших школьников находится в зоне повышенного внимания педагогической общественности.
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6. Frantsuzova O.A. Akmeologicheskiy aspekt sotsializatsii vospitannikov detskikh domov posredstvom formirovaniya finansovoy gramotnosti [Akmeologichesky aspect of socialization of pupils of children’s homes through formation of financial literacy]. Akmeologicheskie resursy sotsial’no-psikhologicheskogo zdorov’ya molodezhi [Akmeologicheskie resources of socially-psychological health of youth]. Astana, 2016, pp. 348–353.