Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
We present the results of the studies of backscatter ionospheric sounding (BS) on the basis of a multipurpose chirp ionosonde developed in ISTP SB RAS. We analyze BS experimental data obtained during different seasons from 2005 to 2009. The accumulated dataset allows us to investigate features of BS signal propagation in various heliogeophysical conditions. To analyze and interpret BS signals on ionograms, we use the results of modeling of characteristics for chirp signals in the backscatter and oblique ionospheric sounding under a waveguide approach. We have revealed the most characteristic types of ionograms and have established conditions of appearance of a given type depending on the time of day, season, sounding direction, and medium conditions. In winter, spring, and autumn, the prevailing types of ionograms are those with BS signals corresponding to the propagation mode through reflection from the F layer. Signals reflected by E or Es layers are recorded during summer periods. At the same time, frequencies of the received signals are sufficiently large, and sometimes there are no reflections from the F layer.

ionosphere, ionogram, radio wave propagation, backscatter ionospheric sounding
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