Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article approaches to defi nition of the concept “readiness of reserved soldiers in higher education institution” are analyzed, the structure of readiness is presented and on its basis criteria of readiness of military reservistsin higher education institution are developed: the motivational and valuable, including motives of obtaining military specialty, professionally signifi cant values, organizational and strong-willed qualities of the future of military reservists; substantial and cognitive — refl ecting compliance of theoretical knowledge, skills, abilities to program qualifi cation requirements; organizational and activity — including practical results of readiness of the military reservistsin higher education institutions: extent of realization in practice of knowledge, skills and abilities; ability to work in the conditions which are brought closer to a fi ghting situation; level of fi nishing knowledge and skills on a practical training to the level of abilities; ability to carry out a refl ection of own activity; possession of ways of design when carrying out a practical training in fi eld conditions. Levels of readiness of military reservistsin higher education institutions are also designated and characterized.

readiness, professional readiness, criteria of readiness of military reservists(motivational and valuable, substantial and cognitive, organizational and activity), levels of readiness ofmilitary reservistsin higher education institution (initial, basic, raised).

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