Tomsk, Russian Federation
Tomsk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses one of the key challenges of the global world – the problem of creative self-realization of personality as the way of being human within the framework of cross-cultural interaction. Theoretical-methodological base of research is the concept of creativity reconstruction, revealing the peculiarities of the modern social and cultural mentality and modeling comfortable barrier-free, international environment. The article shows a weak vitality of multiculturalism in the context of intercultural communication and the need for adaptation to the new reality through self-actualization and self-realization of its capabilities and resources through creativity. Authors describe the cultural-historical transformation of art as a way of actualization of a person in the culture. Creativity as a basic life installation is considered as a constitutive element of regulation of ethno-social processes. There is noted the relevance of the issue of cultural objectivism, creating a personality through its spiritual powers and abilities of the social program of "raspredelennykh" (“abstract”) meanings of culture through creativity, considered as overcoming cultural isolation, different cultural space, given the cultural-historical transformation. There is proposed the model of transition to higher stages of effectiveness of cross-cultural interaction through creativity, which is based on the methodology of reconstruction of creative processes in social and cultural space. To implement the adaptive capacity of the model there are selected the most relevant indicators of potential self-realization of migrants and host community. It is concluded that for realizing the potential of the contextual environment, as the bearer of possible properties that contribute to the manifestation of the meaning of human activities, it is necessary to create relevant models of effective cross-cultural communication and cultural migration, which foundation is the creativity as a way of actualization of a person in the culture.
creativity, cross-cultural communication, creativity reconstruction, self-realization
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