Moscow, Russian Federation
In the conditions of globalization of the world economy intensive development was gained by the industry of services, in particular, film industry. Film industry is one of the most important sectors of the modern world market of services. At the same time, development of this industry in Russia is accompanied with influence of many negative factors connected with weak competitiveness of domestic movie products. The article presents the possibilities of the state support of the Russian cinema on the basis of the leading foreign countries' experience. A subject of this article is tendencies of state regulation of domestic film industry based on the leading developed countries in this sphere. The article purpose is the analysis and generalization of competitiveness increase problems of cinema in Russia on the basis of implementation of special, unique state support mechanisms. As a result there are revealed many problems of the domestic film industry development, in particular, imperfection of protection mechanisms of intellectual property rights, lack of promotion systems of Russian movies on the foreign markets, differentiation of regions on the development level of the cinema infrastructure. The solution of these problems is limited with weak involvement of foreign investors into development of the film industry, and also poor development of special mechanisms of subsidizing of moviemakers.
film industry, film business, cinematograph, state support, international competition, film distribution, cinema, film production
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