Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Methods of surfaces’ geometric simulation are widely used for construction of different solid figures. Colours at the XYZ color system are located at the same distance stated geometrically. It doesn't generate a complete visual presentation for the color gamut of reproduction system for multicolor image. The computer visualization of correspondent pictures at multicolor image’s reproduction accuracy estimation is one of priority tasks. In this paper have been presented results related to practical implementation of geometrical model and software for evaluation of printing system’s color reproduction, construction of color gamut bodies, and a projection representation of reproducible colors’ geometric models for different playback systems: additive and autotype synthesis of color. The color gamut construction is performed over CIE L*a*b* color space. The color is presented as the one lightness coordinate and two color-difference coordinates of chromaticity. A color gamut body volume calculation has been performed in automated mode using software tools. Calculation of the playback system’s color gamut is carried out with Qhull (Quickhull) algorithm realised in the Matlab software. The practical algorithm realisation has been considered on example of ink jet printing based on Epson 3880. The color gamut bodies’ surfaces projections construction was performing in light tones (lightness L = 80), middle tones (L = 50), and shadow tones (L = 20). Has been performed a section of the color gamut bodies’ constructed surfaces. Have been demonstrated the results of computer visualization for geometrical models interpreting the multicolor image’s reproduction accuracy relative to the original.
graphical model of reproducible colors, color gamut body, L*a*b* coordinate system.
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цветового охвата, на методах компьютерного представления полученной информации [3; 15; 16; 19; 20].
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