BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
Currently China is at the most important since the beginning of the modernization transformation of turning point, and there are a lot of opportunities in anti-corruption. Now China holds a strategic transformation of the state anti-corruption legislation; carries out a scientific assessment of the possibilities of anti-corruption legislation, creates the concept of active fight against corruption. The main feature of this concept is the control over the exercise of power; and it has to occupy the main place in the state system of counteraction of corruption. The dualistic regulatory system and the mechanism of interaction of state law and party rules are creating now in the country, and soon the fundamental law on anti-corruption will be adopted. Also, the existing system is improving step by step — from the formal to the real anti-corruption as the primary function of the anti-corruption legislation in order to overcome the modern crisis of corruption with Chinese characteristics.
anti-corruption, strategic transformation, legislative model.
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1. No data.