BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
Under the conditions of created integration of the EAEU and the Trade Union there exists an objective necessity for harmonization of the member states’ legislation of the said organizations. A comparative analysis of these states’ legislation became the most popular for the purposes of formation of a unified legal system, including the sphere of labor and labor relations. In this connection the question of labor relations and in particular the legal regulation of labor and rest became especially relevant. In accordance with Article 24 of the Universal declaration of human rights (1948) the right to periodic holidays with pay is granted to everyone. This right is a constitutional right of all EAEU member states (the Republics of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic), in terms of which the free movement of goods, services, capital and manpower is ensured. Given that as part of the implementation of the Plan of Nation — 100 concrete steps for realization of five institutional reforms the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted a new Labor code, whose provisions are intended for liberalization of labor legislation, which is in terms of the implementation of economic reforms also is proposed in Russia, a comparative analysis of these countries’ labor legislation, including the question of leaves, appears to be very relevant. The system of leaves in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation is similar in many ways, although there are certain procedural differences. A comparative analysis of the leave regulations in these states would help find out and take into account both positive and negative experience, which at the end of the day will foster the development of national legislation and the formation of a unified legal system.
annual leave, types of leave, labor leave.
No data.
1. No data.