Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the development and testing of the method of using authentic films for the formation of English-speaking lexical competence of Vietnamese students. The results of the work have shown their effectiveness in the course of scientific and industrial practice in teaching students in the department of phonetics and vocabulary of the English language. Their significance (scientific contribution) and conclusions were noted during the defense of the master's thesis by the members of the State Examination Commission, in Moscow State Pedagogical University on the 11th of February. The field of application of the results is quite extensive: the results of the research can be useful both for teachers of a foreign language, and for students studying in the field - Pedagogical education. The limitations and directions of future research will be related to the study of "Germanic languages" and their application in pedagogical practice using a different methodological base and didactic approaches. In the absence of a language learning environment, ways of creating it are created by working on authentic works of art-films shot abroad. The subject of the study is the technology of forming English-speaking lexical competence among Vietnamese students in Russia on the basis of foreign experience. The aim of the article is to develop a methodology for the formation of English-speaking lexical competence among Vietnamese students. Research hypothesis: the technology of forming English-speaking lexical competence among Vietnamese students will be more effective if: -the theoretical basis for the formation of foreign vocabulary lexical competence among students of the teacher training Universities with the use of an authentic film in the studied language was singled out, and their main components were singled out; - as a methodological reference point, a communicative-cognitive approach to the formation of lexical English-speaking competence was chosen in combination with such approaches as intercultural, personal-activity and competence; -developed a system of exercises and tasks to learn foreign language lexical material using an authentic film.

modular training, film, culturological approach, lexical competence, semantic field, technological map, lexical competence, component, method, pedagogical education
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