Perm State National Research University
Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov
Sochi State University
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
The article explores the prospects for combining benefits of active and educational tourism with the aim to create an attractive tourism product, especially for young people. The example of Vladimir region and Perm Krai shows that the synergy of active and educational tourism makes it possible to open new opportunities for the development of small Russian cities. It is concluded that inclusion of educational programs with elements of active tourism in regional event calendars allows ensuring a steady and more evenly distributed tourist flow to regions, and also contributes to the growth of youth’s interest in Russian small towns as tourist destinations and places for living. The research was supported financially by Russian Science Foundation (project № 17-18-01324) «Sustainable economic development of territories on the basis of network interaction of small towns and regional centers».
active tourism; educational tourism; small cities; sustainable development; Russia
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