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Abstract (English):
Based on the results of theoretical studying the active tourism, the article synthesizes the category and formulates the imperatives of active tourist recreation management, and proposes the approach to corresponding economic processes optimization. It was revealed that active tourism is implemented in the form of travels and sports entertainments for all population groups, including people with disabilities, through programs of hiking, climbing, sports games, rafting, diving, safari, horse ride walks, skiing, cycling, motorcycling, car walks, nonprofessional activities of any kind of sports. At the same time, an active way of traveling along the route is carried out with the orientation to the possibilities, needs, tastes, preferences of the holidaymaker and local attractions. This makes it possible to provide treatment, health improvement, and recreation for tourists, increase inbound tourist flows, create workplaces, and attract investments for the implementation of promising infrastructure development projects of active types of travel and recreation. The author point out the necessity to choose the criteria for optimizing the routes of active tourism, focused on resources properties satisfying the tourist needs, tastes and preferences.vit should be based on the unique sports and recreational resources and increasing tourist needs. The author proposes and illustrates the approach that makes it possible to optimize electing basic properties of resources affecting the satisfaction of participants of active tours, and, consequently, on the price of the relevant services. This work was supported by RHSF Grant №17-12-34032.

optimal choice, active recreation, metatheory, optimization criteria, culture, tastes, preferences, weight in- dicators, customer satisfaction.
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