Moscow, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2017 to 04.02.2017
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the storytelling as a relatively new marketing technology for tourist destinations. Tourism storytelling is defined as an integrated marketing technology for promoting tourism destinations through narrative information: legends, myths, fables, urban stories and tales. Tourism narrative become a self-contained attractor, supplementing or even replacing traditional objects of tourist interest. It can be realized through a variety tourist consumption tools. The most important among them are material products (souvenirs, travel guides, etc.), figurative-symbolic objects (street art, iconographic documents, multimedia formats), verbal means, online resources, etc. The authors offer the concept of a “storytelling destination” as an attractive object for tourists, in the marketing promotion of which the technology of storytelling prevails. The article defines the city storytelling tourism place and describes the phenomenon of post-travel storytelling. The authors also accomplish a detailed review of foreign publications on the problems of storytelling and its role in the tourist destinations development, consider some cases of the world’s and Russian storytelling destinations and separate mechanisms for their operating (cases of Kaliningrad, Borovsk, St. Petersburg, etc.). The article characterizes the tourism storytelling as a marketing technology, its and some tools. It is determined that finding out or creating legends and their using in the marketing tourism places is one of the most common technologies of tourism storytelling. The authors present the classification of technologies of storytelling and legend in active tourism.
storytelling, tourism storytelling, using legends in tourism, storytelling destination, tourism technologies, marketing technology, post-travel storytelling, storytelling in active tourism.
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