Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author studies the problem of diagnostics of modern educational results of multilevel mathematical preparation of students of economic universities. In accordance with the requirements of FGOS VO 3+ the competence format of the diagnosed quality of training is considered. As a result of multilevel mathematical preparation it is suggested to consider mathematical competence, the structure of which includes the motivational-value, cognitive, creative-activity and refl exive-evaluative components. In accordance with the proposed component composition there are determined the criteria for evaluating mathematical competence. There are selected systemic and procedural characteristics of pedagogical monitoring that provide an opportunity to determine the level of the integrated assessment of mathematical competence as a component of the graduates’ professional competence in the context of implementing the social partnership system. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment are presented, there are carried out the analysis and interpretation, which allowed estimating the dynamics of the diagnosed phenomenon of mathematical competence as an integrative personal quality.

mathematical competence, diagnostic complex, monitoring, pedagogical measurements

Результаты анализа психолого-педагогических исследований демонстрируют отсутствие единого мнения относительно общепризнанных методов диагностирования уровня сформированности математической компетентности как качества многоуровневой математической подготовки студентов экономических университетов, что, в свою очередь, обусловливает необходимость создания соответствующего диагностического комплекса для реализации процедуры педагогического мониторинга.


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