p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
The purpose of research is to increase the efficiency of cows postpartum endometritis treatment with homeopathic medicine Mastometrin and Ovariovit. Materials for research were the cows of Black-Motley breed. The number of cows with acute postpartum endometritis were divided into three groups of 10 cows: 1 experienced 2 experienced 3 experienced. 1 animals of the experimental group was administered the drug Mastometrin intramuscularly at dose of 5 ml for 2 Animals of the experimental group was administered the drug Ovariovit intramuscularly at dose of 5 ml. for 3 Animals of the experimental group were administered drugs Mastometrin and Ovariovit. In result of the conducted researches it was established that 4-5-th day after 4-5 times of administration of drugs in accordance with the scheme change the nature of exudate in animals, 3 experimental group. By the 6-7-th day of treatment in most animals was observed discharges of Muco-purulent exudate. A noticeable change was observed on the 8th day of treatment for 3 animals of the experimental group. During the transrectal examination of the uterus of cows 3 experimental group on the 14th day after treatment, she was in the pelvic cavity, not fluctuonal, between horn furrow was well defined, the horns of the uterus elastic consistence, symmetric, painless, well reduced on palpation. The same signs were revealed on the 19th day of treatment for cows of the experimental group 1 and 2 for cows of the experimental group on 17-18 th day of treatment. Recovery period for cows 3 experimental group made up 14.20±0.80 day, which is 4.4 days less than in animals of the experimental group 1 and 2.50 day less than cows of the 2 skilled group. In 1 experimental group, the involution of the uterus ended on of 39.63±2.28 day, which is 2.51 day more than in the 2nd experimental group and 3.73 per day more than 3 in the experimental group. The proposed scheme of complex use of drugs helps in increasing treatment efficiency with the integrated use and to reduce the cost of drugs by reducing the frequency of administration.
endometritis, struggles, attempts, lochia, involution of uterus, puerperal, diagnosis
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