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Abstract (English):
The main mechanism for the tourism industry development both in the country and in the certain region is investment. The authors define the investment attractiveness estimation of the regions for the domestic tourism development as a system of indicators that comprehensively reflect the potential for investment, based on the investor’s strategic objectives and accounting for profitability, future cash flows and the level of risk. The article contains a number of basic methodological provisions that must be taken into account when elaborating a system of such indicators. For today the investment attractiveness estimation system of the regions for the domestic tourism development does not yet exist, whereas for many other industries and spheres of the economy, such systems have been developed to a sufficient extent. The scientific literature gives insufficient attention to the issue of assessing the regional investment attractiveness of the tourism sector. The authors make an attempt to create the universal system of parameters and estimated indicators, allowing to form understanding of the degree of tourism sector investment attractiveness of particular entities in the Russian Federation. The article offers the tourism investment attractiveness estimation model for the Russian regions based on the data of the Federal State Statistics Service. This model has been tested on the example of three entities of the Russian Federation - Altai, Krasnodar and Perm regions. The obtained results indicate that the proposed system of indicators and the evaluation model is fairly objective and representative. The developed tourism investment attractiveness estimation model for a region can be widely applied in the practice of all participants of the investment process in the course of justifying and making decisions on investment activity in the tourism development in specific regions. Also, the offered model and the system of indicators will be useful in planning and creating regional programs for the tourism development

investment, investment attractiveness, investment attractiveness of region's tourism, domestic tourism
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