Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to topical issues of information security in the business environment. The essence of the concept of «information risks» has been presented as well as the main characteristics of the individual components of the economic cost of cyber-attacks have been considered. Particular attention has been focused on the analysis of DDoS-attacks as one of the most powerful information attacks, involving large losses for companies. Presented analytical findings have helped to identify the main tools and channels of influence used by attackers (risk factors), and also give an economic assessment of the vulnerabilities of the information infrastructure of the organizations (risk consequences). In conclusion, the priority directions of ensuring information security of the companies due to threats of DDoS-attacks have been noted. The main emphasis is on the need to intensify preventive measures, and, above all, the installation of specialized security packages and the implementation of the effective policy in relation to the confidential information.
DDoS-attack, information risks, information security, cybercrime.
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