Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Organizational and legal issues of interaction between commercial organizations and universities are considered; state participation in the costs of commercial firms spent on the implementation of the university research and implementation work are considered. The analysis of the legal status of higher education institutions is carried out, such as budget institutions, limits their participation in commercial activities; possible ways to develop the commercialization of the activities of budget institutions are described. Proposals to improve the relationship between business, the state and the university are given.

commercial organization, budget institution, joint activity agreement, commercial concession agreement, economic company established by the university.
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Бизнес, и малый, и крупный заинтересован в экономичном ведении своей деятельности: если есть возможность использовать чужие наработки (особенно в творческой, интеллектуальной сфере), то не надо тратить собственные средства на развитие научных исследований и их внедрение.


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