Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Problems and possibilities of innovation system development of the Bryansk region by means of inte-raction intensifying of business and higher education institutions are considered. Relevance of the idea of higher education institution transformation into full-fledged participants of innovation process is estimated. On the one hand, they act as organizations for higher education training, on the other hand - as organizations creating emergence, introduction and diffusion of in-novation. Scientific approaches to formation of as-sessment techniques of innovation infrastructure are analyzed. A specific feature of author's technique consists in using statistics, indicators of analytical Monitoring system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and calculation tools of area graphs characterizing state assessment of innovation infrastructure of the region in 2010-2015, influence extent of each factor on region GRP. The author's technique solves assessment problem of not only current state of innovation infrastructure of the region, but also allows to define the greatest and smallest influence of factors on the development of this or that type of infrastructure in a certain time interval.

regional innovation system, scientific and technological development, “triple helix” concept, innovation system, business, power, higher education institution.
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