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Abstract (English):
According to requirements of the ISO 9000 new standards of 2015 version process management in a quality management system (QMS) of the organization provides interrelation of three factors: their planning, realization of PDCA cycle and the risk-focused thinking including the evaluation of environmental factors influence which can lead to the deviation from the planned results and also minimize negative consequences and maximize emerging opportunities. ISO 9001 standards : 2015 don't contain requirements for application of concrete techniques of the evaluation of environmental factors influence, and the organization can choose the tool which satisfies its requirements. The international ISO 31000 standards containing the general guidelines on the identification, management and the selection of the method of risk assessment are oriented at carrying out this task. SWOT analysis as a traditional tool for an assess-ment of organization context (environment) influence is included into the list of risk management methods recommended by the international ISO 31000 stan-dards. However the traditional technique of carrying out SWOT analysis has shortcomings as well, in par-ticular, there are practically no ways of formalization at the selection assessment of the strategy and QMS development that complicates, increases the labor input of their realization and reduces the objectivity of obtained data. The solution of this problem is possible on the basis of the application procedure of statistical SWOT analysis justification in a quality management system of the organization allowing to increase reliabil-ity of the obtained data as a result of a research and to identify perspective for functioning and QMS strategy development correctly. In the article the procedure of statistical SWOT analysis justification of the results on the example of personnel selection in a quality man-agement system of the organization is considered.

quality management system; ISO 9001: 2015 standard; conducting the SWOT analysis, statistical assessment of SWOT analysis results.
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