The problem of formation of long-term competi-tive advantages of an industrial enterprise based on the concepts of strategic cost management is considered. The introduction explains urgency of the problem being investigated for the Russian enterprises. In the first part various interpretations of the con-cepts are specified: competitiveness and competitive advantage depending on an object to which they are applied. Then the comparative characteristic of some for-mation techniques of competitive advantages is carried out and it is defined that strategic cost management has advantages as it is directed to the formation of unique, more effective and long-term competitive advantages, and also uses all existing internal and external sources. Then the successive stages are given and the for-mation algorithm of competitive advantages based on strategic cost management including the search of ad-vantages using the concept of cost factors, their as-sessment and justification using a file of values con-cept, creation of advantages with the use of strategic positioning concept is developed.
strategy, competitiveness, cost management, a file of values, competitive advantage.
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