Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The ability and willingness of the employee consciously manage the quality of their potential and to initiate positive changes in the organization, contributing to its success, it stands a real driving force for development and sustained competitiveness of contemporary companies. In this regard, topical focus of research is the study of institutional mechanisms that ensure maximum disclosure of the potential of proactive employee (PPE) for the organization. The research methodology is based on the provisions of self-leadership and individual initiative concepts, the concept of self-organizing self-developing systems (2C-systems). Methods of study: a survey of employees of an international network of stores implementing perfumes, cosmetics brands in the city of Perm. Data were analyzed using PLS-analysis using SmartPLS program. Results. It was found that the most significant positive impact on the PPE to provide organizational leadership as the driving force of the professional activity of employees; system development and training as an opportunity for the formation of the unique competencies of employees; organizational culture of the company as a «translator» of the idea of creativity and initiative of employees. The smallest impact on proactive behavior of employees providing the organization’s management structure and motivation system. The results of this research can be used to monitor the internal environment and to identify organizational barriers to enterprising behavior of workers in the general staff, and specific target groups of employees.

the potential of proactive employee, self-leadership, self-development, engagement, organizational leadership, organizational culture, System development and learning system of personnel.

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перехвата коммерческих возможностей, выдвигая на первый план проблему проактивности персонала [18], воспринимаемой сегодня как наиболее критическая детерминанта успеха организации [13].


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