Modern methods of chemical-thermal treatment (CTT) such as cyanidation, nitrogen casehardening and others are widelyused in different branches of industry and they are processes promising enough. The solution of ecological problems of diffusion strengthening and improvement of performance attributes of a surface layer are interrelated with the use of special powder mixtures – lutes, pastes, called saturating environment (carburizer). As a saturating environment in the work there is used a nitrogen-carbon paste on the basis of fine gas black (amorphous carbon ~ 60%) and iron sinergisty potassium ~ 40% with the addition of carbamide (urea) as a nitrogen-containing component. A saturating pasty environment on the basis of soot with nitrogen-containing admixtures (urea and iron sinergisty potassium) is efficient for the surface strengthening treatment of steel products in a wide range of temperatures. Solid carbonitrides arising on the surface of products processed in this environment promote the increase of their wear-resistance and other performance attributes. A carbonitride edge on the surface of steel (20…30) ChGT arising at nitrogen case-hardening in a paste-type carburizer does not decrease wear-resistance, but, at the same time increases working capacity of parts and units and material fatigue resistance.
structural steel, chemical-thermal treatment, nitrogen case-hardening, gas black, carbamide, iron sinergisty potassium, carburizer, performance attributes, carbon, nitrogen, carbonitride
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